Zero Parallel

How to Grow Your Email List by the Hundreds

What’s better than getting a decent size of organic traffic daily? Getting a captive audience.
Nowadays, bloggers and companies are both getting smarter with their marketing tactics. They’ve figured out the real gold mine of how to get their content heard and their products bought: earning email subscribers.

Websites that boast 10,000 subscribers could potentially sell for $100,000 in most current markets. It’s true! Having a captive audience really is that valuable—maybe even more, considering how just 10 subscribers a day could earn you more than $100,000 a year. This is why companies spent thousands of dollars trying to earn email subscribers, but Zero Parallel will teach you how to do just that for the irresistible price of free.

First things first, this is not going to be a walk in the park. There’s a reason why people pay big money to build their email lists, but for the average blogger or online marketer, spending out of pocket is not always necessary.

This is the greatest resource you’ll need to gain a captive audience: time. And lots of it.
We actually recommend spending at least 10-20 hours a week writing or researching ways to improve your content. Not only that, but you should also set substantial time aside to promote it. In fact, successful blogger and entrepreneur, Jon Morrow, suggests, “Until you get to 10,000 subscribers, you should spend just as much time promoting your posts as you do writing them. Or even more, if you can.” This means that if you spend 10 hours a week writing, you should spend an extra 10 hours promoting the content you created. Once you agree to commit your valuable time, continue reading.

Grow Your Email List: Pickup Lines Only Work When They’re Not Cliché

Have you ever used a pick-up line with somebody before? Chances are, it didn’t work. Pickup lines in real life are similar to pick-up lines on subscriber forms—the more creative and intriguing it is, the more visitors will feel enticed to sign up. Craft a non-cliché pickup line that mentions what your visitors will gain from signing up. Tell them why they should sign up, rather than commanding them to give you their emails within the first two seconds of visiting your website. Avoid statements like “Sign up for monthly newsletters” or just the word “newsletter” in general. People already know the format of your emails. What they want to know is what is in those newsletters. Try something like, “Want to know how you can save tons of money? We can help.” You wouldn’t even have to mention the word “free” to get them to sign up.

Grow Your Email List: Offer a Deal That They Would Pay For

Want to know how you can get customers easily? Give away valuable products for free. When we say, “valuable products,” we don’t mean what’s valuable to you. Learn what your audience values and entice them with that offer, in exchange for their email currency. For example, upon learning that most of his readers are curious about writing books, Jon Morrow created an email course teaching them how to do just that—in exchange for their emails. Within a week, he received 3,000 email sign ups! What would your audience pay for? Try to find the answer to that question by analyzing their engagements, and provide it to them in exchange for their emails.

Grow Your Email List: Don’t Be Afraid to Promote Your List

There’s no shame in promoting your email list by any means. You should always link to it in your social media platforms, tell people why they should sign up after every blog post, and link to it in your email signature. Think of your subscribe link as its own separate platform that must be promoted just as much as your personal website. In the end, it will only contribute to the performance of your website. The more people you have on board your subscription list, the easier it will be to convert leads because they will have become your captive audience.

Once you’ve employed these three main tips, your email list should gradually experience increase. When it does begin to grow, don’t stop creating! Your traffic will stop when you do.

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